
David Fukuyama | Ph.D. 2022 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn
Dissertation: Gas transport and hydrate formation in porous media.
​Position: Staff Scientist, Sandia National Laboratory.
I received my Ph.D. from the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin in 2022. My dissertation links pore- and macro-scale behavior of methane and carbon dioxide hydrate using experimental and numerical approaches. We discovered a fundamental pore-level mechanism that controls the formation of CO2 hydrates in the seafloor, and examined the resilience of stored CO2 hydrates to thermal perturbations.
Related publications:
Awards and Honors:
AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award, 2021

Daniel Hatchell | Ph.D. 2022 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn
Dissertation: Understanding the stability of Pickering emulsions and foams by manipulating particle-particle and particle-interfacial forces with surface modification.
Position: ​Reservoir Engineer, Shell
I received my Ph.D. from the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin in 2022. My dissertation examined the use of nanoparticle-stabilized (Pickering) foams and emulsions for enhanced oil recovery and CO2 storage. Specifically, we elucidated and improved the stability of Pickering emulsions and foams using surface-modified nanoparticles. Before pursuing my PhD, I completed an MS in energy resources engineering at Stanford University and a BS in chemical engineering from UT Austin. I've previously worked on projects related to CO2 capture, CO2 enhanced oil recovery / storage, and reservoir simulation.
Related publications:
Awards and Honors:
NSF GRFP, 2016-2021

Artur Davletshin | Ph.D. 2023 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn
Dissertation: In Situ Visualization of Fluid Dynamics in Nanoporous Materials
Position: Senior Energy Analyst, Ascend Analytics
I earned my Ph.D. in Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering from UT Austin in 2023. My research focused on developing a novel visualization platform that enables direct, in situ observation of fluid-solid interactions in nanoporous materials. Prior to arriving at Austin, I earned my M.S. in materials science from Ufa State Aviation Technical University and M.S. in petroleum engineering from Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russia with a focus on numerical simulation of the usage chemical enhanced recovery methods in high-salinity water conditions. I also have four years of experience at the Research and Developing Institute LLC BashNIPIneft as a part of LLC Rosneft research complex, where I worked as an engineer in the Laboratory of Petrophysics, investigating complex clay materials.
Related publications:
Recent Awards:
Third Place, GTX 2021 Datathon, 2021
Best Poster Award, Graduate and Industry Networking Conference, UT Austin, 2021

Sheila Gerardo | M.S. 2021, Ph.D. 2024 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn
Dissertation: Mechanisms Dictating the Recovery of Rare Earths from Coal Fly Ash.
Position: Senior Scientist, Electra
I earned my M.S./Ph.D. student in petroleum engineering in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin in 2024. My research focused on the recovery of mineral resources from natural and industrial waste materials. Specifically, I developed and used novel micro/nanovisualization platforms to understand the fundamental geochemical processes that dictate the extraction and separation of critical minerals and rare earth elements. I completed my B.S. degree in petroleum engineering from the University of Oklahoma in December 2018. Alongside research, I thoroughly enjoy serving my fellow peers and local communities. During the 2016-2017 academic year I served as the international liaison for the Society of Petroleum Engineers- OU Chapter, and I led the Oil and Gas Exploration track at the Ronnie K. Irani Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth at OU in Fall 2018.
Related publications:
Gerardo, S., Matthews, K., Warner, J., and Song, W. Role of Nanoscale Crystallinity on REEs recovery from Coal Fly Ash. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 10, 10, 943–948, 2023.
Recent Awards:
Best Poster Award, Texas Materials Institute, 2024
Best Poster Award, UT Austin GAIN, 2024
Best Poster Award, DOE Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) Symposium, 2022
TEX-E Fellow (Greentown/MIT), Class of 2022​
Student Travel Award, 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, 2021
Best Poster Award, UT Energy Institute Student Research Competition, UT Austin, 2021
DOE Research Experience in Carbon Sequestration Tuition and Travel Grant, 2019