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2024-07 Sheila defense

Current Team


Wen Song | CV | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


Wen is an Anadarko Assistant Professor of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin.  Her research focuses on understanding fundamental micro/nanoscale reactive transport mechanisms that underly the extraction and management of energy and environmental resources including critical minerals, CO2, and H2.  Wen's key contributions include a suite of operando optical and electron microscopy platforms that enable the first in situ observation of reactions and mass transfer within micro/nanoporous geomaterials.  These platforms, along with analytical geochemistry and fluid mechanics, have enabled the elucidation of coupled reaction and transport mechanisms at interfaces, including those controlling critical minerals recovery from ash wastes. Wen is a recipient of the NSF CAREER, ACS PRF DNI, and EAGE Arie van Weelden wards, and is a Scialog fellow in the areas of Negative Emissions Science and Sustainable Minerals, Metals and Materials.  She teaches PGE 383: Small-Scale Fluid Flow, PGE 323K: Reservoir Engineering I, and PGE 383: Geothermal and Sustainable Energy Resources.  Wen obtained her Ph.D. in Energy Resources Engineering and Ph.D. minor in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2019


Zhenglong Li | Postdoctoral Fellow | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment at UT Austin. My current project focuses on the lithium recovery from produced water. Before UT Austin, I obtained my Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of New Jersey Institute of Technology, where I specialized in preparing high-performance microelectrode microfluidic sensors and theoretical finite element analysis (FEA).



Shunxiang Xia | Ph.D. Student | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


I am a PhD student in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin. My current research focuses on developing a novel microscale platform to observe CO2 behavior in dolostones.  Prior to arriving at Austin, I earned a Master degree in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Houston and a PhD degree in Bioproduct and Biosystem Engineering at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. I have wide research interests in the energy areas and have conducted several projects including carbon sequestration, pipeline assurance, and renewable energy production.


Related publications:


Recent Awards: 

  • Hildebrand Excellence Graduate Fellowship, 2020




Mustafa Mehrem | Ph.D. Student | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


I am a Ph.D. student in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin. My research focuses on Hydrogen Storage. Prior to arriving at Austin, I earned my M.Sc. in petroleum engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy with a focus on numerical simulation of the subsidence caused by water exploitation. I also have three years of experience in drilling and well completions operations.





Yoonsu Na | Ph.D. Student | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


I am a first year Ph.D. student in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin. Prior to arriving at Austin, I earned my B.S. and M.S. in Earth Resource and Environmental Engineering from Hanyang University, Korea, with a focus on machine learning based proxy modeling. My research interests are in carbon mineralization and hydrogen production/storage. 




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Yihan Li | Ph.D. Student | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


I am a first year Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering at UT Austin. Prior to arriving at Austin, I earned my B.S. in chemistry at Fudan University, China and M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Columbia University with a focus on energy materials. My current research focuses on recovery of mineral resources from natural and industrial waste materials.




Alex Zhurkevich | M.S./Ph.D. Student | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


I am a first year Ph.D. student in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin. My research focuses on geologic hydrogen storage. I earned my undergraduate degree in Russia at Saint-Petersburg Mining University. My final thesis was based on work with Gazprom STC LLC, where I investigated well shut-in operations in conditions of abnormally low pressure and cracked collectors.




Feras Alsheikh | M.S. Student | Google Scholar | LinkedIn


I am a M.S. student in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin. I obtained my Bachelor's in Petroleum Engineering at Middle East Technical University with a minor in Earth Science. I also held two internships at Turkish Petroleum in the lab and in the field. I am interested in reservoir engineering as well as subsurface rock and fluid interactions. My goal is to expand my knowledge in those fields while carrying out effective research with this team.


Recent Awards: 

  • WAAIME Scholarship, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), 2024


Reem Alsuwaiyan | B.S. Student | LinkedIn


I’m a fourth year B.S. student at the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at UT Austin. My previous research experience was in tertiary oil recovery, investigating phase behaviour in surfactant solutions. My current research areas of interest include hydrogen production and storage, enhanced oil recovery, and alternative fuels. I’m excited to contribute to the team and develop my knowledge and experience in the energy industry.


Isaac Ahonle | B.S. Student | LinkedIn


I am a third year undergraduate currently pursuing a B.S in Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering with a minor in Sustainable Energy. I hope to spend my career finding innovative ways to provide clean, sustainable, readily available energy. My research interests include geologic hydrogen, geothermal energy, CCUS, and nuclear energy.


Sara Al Lawati | B.S. Student | LinkedIn


I am a third year student currently pursuing a B.S in Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering with a minor in International Business. Throughout my last two summer internships at Chevron, I’ve focused on asset development in different reservoir engineering functions. This summer, I worked on a carbon sequestration machine-learning based modeling platform and compared the outputs to traditional reservoir simulation results. I’m interested in CCUS projects, hydrogen processes, and reservoir engineering research.


Thomas Brigham | B.S. Student | LinkedIn


I am a 3rd year undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering with a minor in Sustainability at UT Austin. In my previous summer internships with Hilcorp, I have focused on reducing methane emissions through solar pneumatic chemical pumps and saltwater disposal well recompletion. On campus at UT Austin, I am the co-lead of the Direct Air Capture Team, an undergraduate-led team under the Negative Emissions Technology Project. I manage and operate as a subject expert for a group of students to build a carbon capture machine to operate in ambient air. We also participate in national competitions such as the Carbon Removal Challenge hosted by OpenAir. My research interests include geothermal energy, CCUS, hydrogen processes, and methane emissions tracking and reduction.

Ph.D. Students


David Fukuyama | 2022 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn

Gas transport and hydrate formation in porous media.

First job:​ Researcher, Sandia National Lab


Daniel Hatchell | 2022 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn

Understanding the stability of Pickering emulsions and foams by manipulating particle-particle and particle-interfacial forces with surface modification.

First job: Consultant, OnLocation


Artur Davletshin | 2023 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn

In situ visualization of fluid dynamics in nanoporous materials.

First job: Senior Energy Analyst, Ascend Analytics


Sheila Gerardo | 2024 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn

Mechanisms dictating rare earth elements recovery from coal fly ash.​

First job: Scientist, Electra



M.S. Students


Jack Strawson | LinkedIn

Nanoparticle-stabilized solvent capsules for targeted oil recovery.

First job: Field Engineer, Ovintiv







Undergraduate & High School Students


Brayden Popica | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Undergraduate research student, 2023 at UT Austin


Sophia Rojo | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Pore-scale visualization.

SURI research student, 2023 at UT Austin


Dan Moran | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Resource mapping of domestic minerals.

SURI research student, 2022 at UT Austin


Jack Strawson | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Numerical Modeling of Nanoparticle-Fluid Interactions.

SURI research student, 2020 at UT Austin


Jason Fan | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Particle Image Velocimetry in Microfluidic Systems.

SURI research student, 2020 at UT Austin


Hunter Harmuth | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Machine Learning-Based Image Processing of Geological Systems.

Undergraduate research student, 2020 at UT Austin


Jaehun (Eric) Yoon | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Spectroscopic Imaging of Chemical Species in Microfluidic devices.

Undergraduate research student, 2019 at UT Austin


Xuefei (Sophie) Zhao | UT Austin | LinkedIn

Undergraduate research student, 2019 at UT Austin


Emma Li | The Harker School

Fractal dimensions of fluid fingering in Hele-Shaw cells.

High School research student, 2018 at Stanford University


Raja Ramesh | Stanford University | LinkedIn

Nanofabrication of  micromodels for fluid-mineral interactions visualization.

Undergraduate research student, 2017 at Stanford University


Donnique Sherman | West Virginia University | LinkedIn

Low salinity brine-clay interactions in kaolinite-functionalized micromodels.    

SURGE Diversity Program Undergraduate research student, 2015 at Stanford University


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