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PGE 383: Geothermal and Sustainable Energy Resources

Undergraduate and graduate course on topics related to sustainable energy, including geothermal and solar thermal resources.  An overview of the energy resources is provided and engineering methods to recover the energy resources are developed.  

Taught Spring 2021, Spring 2022 (UT Austin)


PGE 383: Fluid Flow at the Pore-Scale 

Graduate course on the physics of fluid flow at the microscale in the context of pore-scale transport in subsurface systems and microfluidic models of subsurface systems.  A basic review of geological sediment deposition motivates the appropriate microscopic length-scales.   Equations of mass and momentum conservation for incompressible fluids are derived.  Simplifications towards the small-scale, low Reynolds number limit are developed to describe transport at the microscale.  Techniques in microfluidics and micromodels development are covered.  A laboratory component is incorporated to demonstrate the utility of flow visualization at the microscale.

Taught Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2022 (UT Austin)


PGE 323K: Reservoir Engineering I 

Undergraduate course on topics related to primary (pressure driven) recovery.  A classification of subsurface reservoirs by type and recovery mechanism is developed. Mass and momentum conservation in the context of porous media is derived to enable estimates on the rate of fluid transport in subsurface systems. Topics related to well-testing and decline curve analysis are presented. 

Taught Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2022 (UT Austin)


ENERGY 251: Thermodynamics of Phase Equilibria 
Graduate course on the volumetric behavior of fluids at high pressure. Equation of state representation of volumetric behavior. Thermodynamic functions and conditions of equilibrium, Gibbs and Helmholtz energy, chemical potential, fugacity. Phase diagrams for binary and multicomponent systems. Calculation of phase compositions from volumetric behavior for multicomponent mixtures. Experimental techniques for phase-equilibrium measurements. 

Taught Fall 2017 (Stanford University)

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