Wen Song

2014 - 2019 Ph.D. in Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
Advisor: Anthony R. Kovscek
Dissertation Topic: “Fluid-Fluid, Fluid-Mineral Interactions and Reactive Transport in Porous Media”.
Ph.D. Minor in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Advisor: John O. Dabiri
2012 - 2014 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto
Advisor: David A. Sinton
Thesis: “Microfluidic Visualization of Phase and Flow Phenomena Related to Carbon Dioxide Transport and Usage”.
2008 - 2012 B.S. in Engineering Science, University of Toronto
Advisor: Brent E. Sleep
Honors Thesis: “Two Phase Dynamics in Porous Media with Application to Carbon Sequestration”.
I am ultimately interested in understanding the formation and development of energy resources through experimental and theoretical micro and nanofluidic approaches in reactive transport. Specifically, my research interests aim to understand multiphase reactive transport and fluid-fluid/ fluid-rock interactions in porous media in the context of low environmental impacts energy resources recovery. My current research develops and uses microfluidic visualization platforms to study the mechanisms underlying multiphase fluid transport and surface interactions that dictate energy materials recovery.
My primary teaching goal is to educate students with the fundamental knowledge that is required to meet our society’s rising demands to develop low environmental impacts energy resources. I also aim to help develop their ability and passion towards advancing fundamental engineering knowledge. I am interested in teaching both basic and applied courses on thermodynamics and phase equilibria, fluid mechanics, micro and nanoscale transport phenomena, and general courses in mechanical engineering to develop the next generation of leaders in the field of energy and mechanical engineering.
PGE 383: Fluid Flow at the Pore-Scale, University of Texas at Austin (Spring 2019)
ENERGY 251: Thermodynamics of Equilibria, Stanford University (Fall 2017)
ENERGY 301/ CEE 301/ MS&E 494: The Energy Seminar, Stanford University (Winter 2018)
ENERGY/EE 293B: Fundamentals of Energy Processes, Stanford University (Winter 2017)
ENERGY/EE 293B: Fundamentals of Energy Processes, Stanford University (Winter 2016)
CHE 260: Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer, University of Toronto (Fall 2013)
2018 - 2019 Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowship
2017 Gordon Research Conference (Microfluidics, Physics & Chemistry of) Best Poster Award
2016 Gordon Research Seminar (Flow & Transport in Permeable Media) Discussion Leader
2016 Petroleum Research School of Norway STEP Scholarship
2015 - 2018 Hormoz & Fariba Ameri Graduate Education Fellowship in Earth Sciences
2014 Society of Petroleum Engineers Calgary Section Scholarship
2013 4th World Petroleum Council Youth Forum Student Invitation
2013 - 2014 Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology
2013 MIE Research Symposium Best Poster Presentation Award
2013 Carbon Management Canada International Research Exchange Fellowship
2012 Gordon Cressy Award for Student Leadership
2009 Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program Fellowship
2018 - Present Student Energy Competitions Task Force, Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University
2017 - Present Department Seminar Committee, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
2017 - Present Undergraduate Mentor Program Chair, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
2017 - 2018 President, Stanford Energy Club, Stanford University2016
2016 - 2017 Faculty Search Committee, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
2016 - 2017 Oil and Gas Group Leader, Stanford Energy Club, Stanford University
2015 - Present Undergraduate and Graduate student mentor, Stanford University
2015 - 2017 President, Officer, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Stanford University Chapter
2013 - 2014 Founder & President, Society of Petroleum Engineers, University of Toronto Chapter
2010 - 2013 Director of Seminars, Sustainable Engineers Association, University of Toronto
2009 - 2012 Chair, Mentor, Engineering Science Freshman Mentorship Program, University of Toronto
2009 - 2012 President, Project Director Tetra Society, University of Toronto Chapter
2017 - Present Advisor, Interface Fluidics
2018 - Present Reviewer, Natural Resources Research
2017 - Present Reviewer, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
2016 - Present Reviewer, Fuel
2016 - Present Member, Academy of Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2015 - Present Member, Geochemical Society
2014 - Present Member, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
2014 - Present Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)
2013 - Present Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)